The following is a list of items that may affect your tax situation. If any of these affect your situation, please provide all related information to us. Should you have questions about special circumstances that might apply specifically to you, please do not hesitate to ask.
To ensure accurate and timely processing and filing of your income tax returns, please make sure you have supplied the following information when you provide your tax data to us:
If you paid college tuition during the year, you may be entitled to a tax benefit. This includes money
borrowed to pay tuition and fees. Please forward IRS Form 1098-T which you should receive from the
educational institution.
Our software has the ability to import stock transactions. If you or your stockbroker can provide an
electronic file detailing your stock transactions, in either an Excel or CSV format, e-mail it to us. We still
want you to provide the related 1099 forms so we can verify the amounts.
In order to deduct charitable contributions of less than $250, the contribution must be substantiated by
proof of payment (cancelled check, debit card or credit card information) or a receipt or other written
communication from the organization to which the contribution was made. The rules for contributions of
$250 or more require that you have written acknowledgement from the organization. Provide us with a
detailed listing of your charitable contributions in order to ensure the maximum deduction.
Direct deposit is a safe, reliable, and convenient way to receive federal and state payments. Direct deposit
provides taxpayers with the fastest and safest way to receive a refund. If you would like your refund(s) to
be directly deposited, please include a cancelled check or provide bank name, routing number and account
Payments for taxes owed can be withdrawn electronically from your bank account. Please indicate this to
us and provide the same information noted above and the funds will be scheduled to be withdrawn on
April 15.